Into Lands Forbidden (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 2) Read online

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  "Escape? Without Monique? I think not," Danica said. "But I agree with Wilma, I don't think Monique is in the castle." Then with a grim smile, "But I bet I know who knows where she is. Our friend, the Duchess of Taanur."

  "Oh Gods," Cat moaned. "Just what is it you want to do?"

  "I think it's time we paid the Duchess a little visit," Danica said. "After hours, and very unofficial."

  Chapter 4

  Castle Taanur's whitewashed ramparts shone brightly in the dim light of the moon. The moon was just a sliver in its last quarter. Occasional clouds obscured it and the stars every so often, plunging everything into total darkness.

  "How long are we going to be skulking about down here?" Cat said.

  "Not much longer," Danica said, not taking her eyes off Castle Taanur's walls. She was studying the castle's interwoven wards with her elven mage sight. Their energies were interlaced mist lights of various colors and intensities. Only two places on the curtain walls existed where the spells had been neglected enough to start to unravel. "They'll be changing the guard any minute now." A movement caught her eye, "There."


  "See? The next relief is arriving."

  "I can't see a thing. It's too dark."

  "I can see fine," Danica said. Her natural elven night vision allowed her to see the walls almost as well as on a cloudy day. "Trust me."

  "God of Mercy," she cried softly, "I'm doomed."

  "Stop whining and follow me," Danica muttered and crept out of the alley. She saw all the dark shapes atop the walls start toward the gatehouse, moonlight glinting off their polished helmets. They had watched the castle for the last seven hours, so she knew the guard was changed every two hours. And that they would have approximately three to five minutes before the relief took their stations.

  Once below the walls, at a spot with the most unraveled protective wards, Danica wasted no time in trying to lasso one of the merlons in the battlements. She got it on the third try. Then she scrambled up, followed by Cat.

  Kneeling in the moon shadows on the narrow catwalk, Danica quickly pulled up the rope. It wouldn't do having some guard finding it and sending up the alarm. Put a quick end to their night, that would. So she coiled the rope and hung it on her shoulder.

  Danica quickly scanned the inner bailey with first her mage sight, and then her regular elven night vision. Nothing unexpected, such as watch dogs or roving patrols.

  She pointed across the bailey to a clump of bushes next to the keep, "We'll head for those bushes."

  At Cat's nod, she threw a leg over the low inner rail and eased herself down to the steep slate roof of the stables. Half crawling, half sliding, they made their way to the edge. Spotting a thick beam with a rope and pulley system attached, they moved over. It was just a foot below the roof, so they easily climbed down to it and slid down the rope.

  Hearing footsteps on the catwalk above, Danica held Cat back while the relief went to their stations on the wall. Then she waited for the relieved guards to be dismissed from a small formation.

  Looking at Cat, "We got two hours, babe."

  "We're going to die, I tell you. Tonight is the night you finally get me killed," Cat grumbled. "I feel it in my bones."

  "Thank you for that vote of confidence," she said, casting the bravo dark looks. Sometimes Cat's gloom and doom prophesies bothered her. That wasn't good. "Just follow me, and try not to think about it. Or speak."

  Danica took Cat's arm in the crook of her own and they began walking across the bailey. They didn't go so fast as to draw unwanted attention, or too slow. Just in case someone on the walls glanced back inside, she wanted it to look as if two lovers were sneaking off for some privacy.

  "There, we made it," she said. Glancing up at the keep towering above them, she shifted her perspective to mage sight and studied the wards sheathing the keep. "Now to get inside."

  "Why don't we just walk in the front door," Cat said, turning narrowed eyes on her. "It's the fastest, easiest way to get me killed, I'd say."

  "Good idea," Danica said and strode off.

  Cat's jaw dropped, eyes huge. "Wait, I was joking."

  "I'm not. They probably believe anyone inside the walls is safe." She glanced back and grinned. "We'll find out soon enough."

  "She's lost her bloody mind," Cat softly cried out to the heavens.

  "Maybe, but you're still following me."

  "You're my friend," she said. "I don't want you to die alone."

  "Such an upbeat wench."

  No guards stood outside the entrance, and no obvious wards placed on the doors. Danica never hesitated in her approach. She walked up to the massive double doors, opened them, and stepped in as if she owned the place. No one challenged them. The entrance hall was abandoned and dark.

  Giving Cat a self-satisfied grin, "Crazy, huh?"


  "I take what I can get."

  Cat rolled her eyes and looked around the dimly lit entrance hall. "Impressive."

  Danica just grunted, barely giving their opulent surroundings a second thought.

  The hall was a good fifty paces deep, and thirty wide. Its floor gleamed a dark green marble, with large rugs scattered about. Cat eyed the rare rugs, in rich golds, greens, and reds, with appreciation. The hall contained three, now dark but no less imposing, crystal and brass chandeliers spaced down its length. The walls, paneled in dark wood, were covered with tapestries and portraits of past rulers and their families. She could barely make out details of some pastoral scene depicted on the soaring ceilings. Cat was impressed.

  "If you're finished gawking like a commoner..." Danica said, and stalked off toward the wide marble staircase in back.

  Cat shot her a sharp look.

  "I am a commoner," she muttered, and followed.

  They kept to the thick carpet laid down the middle of the staircase, to muffle their footsteps, and proceeded to the third level before Danica stopped and glanced both ways down the hallway.

  "I noticed earlier that there were balconies on the fourth and fifth floors," she explained in a whisper. "The family apartments are probably there. So we'll have to be extra careful from here on out."

  "I understand."

  "Good. If anything goes wrong, run as fast as you can to the front door. I'll be right behind you," she said.

  "And then?"

  "We'll worry about that when we get there."

  "I'm glad to see you have this thought out so well."

  Giving her a wide grin, "Impressive, aren't I?"

  Not waiting for Cat's sarcastic reply, Danica started slowly up the stairs. They crept, eyes and ears alert for any sight or sound out of the ordinary. Nearing the next landing, she heard muffled whispers. Slowing even more, she stooped low and continued on up. Once on the fourth floor landing, she peeked around into the hallway. Two large Amazons were standing guard outside an ornately carved oak door. Possibly the Duchess's bedchamber.

  After letting Cat have a peek, she led the way to the next level up. There, they found the hallways clear of guards and servants. Danica hurried over to the door directly above the one guarded below.

  Danica said, "That was the only door guarded, so I assume Duchess Natasha is sleeping inside."

  "So why are we up here?"

  "The guards were too well-armed and -armored to take out quietly, so I figure we'll sneak in the hard way."

  Cat looked incredulous. "The hard way? You mean this hasn't been the hard way?"

  Giving her a cross look, "Sometimes, Cat, I don't feel you have the heart of an adventurer."

  "I don't. I have the heart of a bouncer, and a security loving, magic and adventure hating one at that," she said.

  "You know, I think you're starting to warm up to this lifestyle," she said.

  "What makes you say that?"

  "You didn't look as if you were going to hit me once the whole time you were talking," Danica said, grinning. "I'll bet after our daring escape with the information we came for, you'l
l be downright giddy from the excitement."

  "Don't get your hopes up."

  Danica pushed the door open slowly. After ensuring the room was empty, she hurried in followed by Cat. She immediately headed for the tall lancet arches shining brightly with moonlight. The stained glass reminded her of Tyrian temples. As she’d guessed, they were glass doors. They stepped out onto the balcony and looked down to the one below. Then Danica began securing one end of her rope to a thick, white marble baluster.

  "We'll drop in for a quick chat, get what we need, tie the old witch up, and climb back up," Danica said as she tested the knot. "Nothing to it."

  "Nothing but torture and death if we don't make it."

  Leaning over, Danica tossed the rest of the rope onto the balcony below. "Don't be so negative all the time. It's not good." Looking up with a grin and wink, "It'll give you stomach pains."

  "It's not my attitude that's giving me stomach pains, friend."

  Climbing over the balustrade and getting a good grip on the rope, Danica asked, "Coming?"

  "Do I really have a choice?"

  Danica slid down to the balcony, and was soon joined by Cat. They found an unsecured stained glass door and slipped in quietly. The room was quiet save for the steady clicking sound of the six wound up ceiling fans keeping the chamber comfortably cool.

  The drapes were drawn, so the room was hidden in darkness. Pulling the drapes aside, Danica used the meager moonlight filtering through the stained glass to study the layout of the sprawling chamber.

  "Nice," Cat whispered.

  If anything, the bedchamber was even more impressive than the rest of the castle, but in a less formal manner. There were several different sitting areas, with small unlit fireplaces. A rich, golden carpet covered the floor. Most of the furnishings appeared to be antiques from the Seventh Dynasty of the Galletine Empire, which preceded the Amazon Empire, all covered in rich golden silk brocade. Paintings and tapestries covered the walls.

  "Apparently she loves to hunt," Danica whispered, noticing all the paintings and tapestries of hunting scenes.

  "Ever met a noble who didn't?"

  "True. But we waste time," Danica said, turning her attention to the large four-poster bed against the far wall. There was a single form curled up beneath white satin sheets. "I'm eager to make the Duchess's acquaintance."

  Going to opposite sides of the bed, they slowly crawled up beside the sleeping Amazon noblewoman. Danica was surprised at how young and innocent she looked. She estimated her age somewhere in the early twenties. Pulling a dagger, Danica gently laid it across Duchess Natasha's delicate neck. As the cold steel touched her, Natasha's eyes popped open. Stifling a cry, she looked up at Danica with big fearful eyes.

  "What do you want?" Natasha whispered, careful not to make any sudden moves.

  Seeing the Duchess was going to be sensible and not try some stupid heroics, Danica relaxed a bit. "Tell me where I can find High Sorceress Monique."

  Natasha swallowed hard, then bit her lip nervously. Danica decided she needed a little encouragement, so lightly pricked her under the chin. But instead of bringing forth the said for information, she instead had her arm and dagger batted aside by the Duchess. Natasha pushed her away and tried to rise, before Cat jumped atop her and bore her down. With a scream of rage, Natasha threw both legs high overhead and seized a long tassel hanging there between her ankles. When she jerked it down both Danica and Cat began cursing as a bell rang out in the distance.

  "Hold her!" Danica cried as she raced towards the door.

  The guards could be heard shouting as Danica neared the door. The door burst open and the two guards charged in with bared blades. Pulling her own sword, Danica swept the first Amazon's blade aside and lowered her shoulder as she plowed in. She drove the first guard into the next, who was slammed up against the wall. Twisting out of the guard's grasp, Danica drove her heel into a knee. As the injured Amazon dropped to one knee with a cry of pain and surprise, Danica thrust her sword at the other guard's throat. Her thrust was parried, and the guard took the initiative. As she was being forced back, she could hear more guards stomping up the stairs.

  "Cat, I need help over here!" Danica called, parrying an attempt to disembowel her.

  "I can't!" Cat cried. "This Duchess is a hellcat."

  Danica cast a quick glance to see Cat and Natasha wrestling on the bed. Cat had the advantage, but Natasha still hadn't allowed herself to be pinned.

  Ducking under a thrust at her throat, Danica stepped in close and straight finger punched the Amazon in the throat. She then pulled her razor sharp sword across the Amazon's thighs, and dropped low as she swept an extended leg savagely around. The guard fell, and Danica kicked her hard in the temple.

  Hearing a startled cry, Danica looked out the door to see an easy dozen Amazons charging up the hall. She raced for the door, but the other guard moved to block her. The guard was favoring her right leg, but had a look of grim determination on her face. Reaching for her belt knife in the small of her back, Danica whipped it out and hurled it at the Amazon's face while charging her. She ducked, and Danica darted in and kneed her in the face.

  Stepping over the unconscious Amazon, Danica grabbed the door and slammed it shut. But as she tried to lock it, the door burst open. She staggered back a step, took a look at the four Amazons trying to crowd through, gave a battle cry, and charged. The Amazons paused in their surprise. Danica swept her blade before her in an attempt at their throats. As one they leapt back into their fellows trying to press forward.

  Stopping in the door, she cried, "Ha! Stupid wenches!"

  With that, Danica slammed the door in their faces and turned the key before they recovered. They immediately began shouting threats and pounding on the door with fists and pommels. After a sigh of relief, she turned to see Cat had finally subdued Duchess Natasha. She couldn't help but give a chuckle. Natasha was face down in the bed, with Cat sitting on the back of her head, facing the door and holding her wrists together. Cat, whose hair and clothes were in disarray, was scowling at Danica while Natasha was kicking and screaming her fury into the deep feather mattress.

  Danica laughed.

  "Well, I see you had a pleasant go of it," she said. "I would've much preferred an invigorating roll in the sheets with that little vixen than this life and death struggle."

  "Another comment like that, and I'll release her go and let you subdue her," Cat growled.

  "We really need to work on your sense of humor."

  About that time the guards outside began pounding on the thick oaken door with something stouter than their fists. The door rattled and boomed disturbingly.

  Cat only bared her teeth, then said, "Now how do we get out of here?"

  With a grim smile, "With the right persuasion, I'm sure Duchess Natasha will be more than willing to tell us her hidden escape route."

  Danica had Cat pull the Duchess off the bed and hold her. She gave Natasha an appreciative look over. Natasha was a little over average in height, with a classic Amazon body — proud breasts, narrow waist, and flaring hips. Her face was pretty in an arrogant sort of way, framed by long dark hair. Danica wasn't surprised by the Duchess's beauty. Amazons, like Jarland nobility, were known to select breeding partners more for beauty and strength than bloodlines. Many, Danica included, considered Amazons the most beautiful people in the world.

  Even being held prisoner, and naked, before her, Danica noticed how defiance burned in Natasha's dark blue eyes, and the way she held herself straight. She was just what one would expect as a splendid example of Amazon nobility. To get anything useful from her they would have to make an impression. She gave Natasha a hard look, then punched her in the gut. Twice.

  Cat didn't say anything, but growled and scowled fiercely at Danica. Danica avoided looking at her.

  "We want to know where Monique is, and how to bypass you minions during our escape," Danica said calmly.

  Natasha looked up through dark tousled hair, and spat, "N

  "I really wish you'd reconsider," Danica said, looking disappointed. "We really don't have any wish to hurt you."

  A low rumble from behind the bed caught everyone's attention. They watched as the wall rolled back and a Vikon warrior-witch stepped out. She was tall and dark-haired, with ornate pink-lacquered armor trimmed in red. The armor, little more than overlapping steel plates protecting her shoulders and upper arms, were worn over her bedclothes. Her face paint was pink flames around her eyes with red trim. She had an imperious air about her.

  Shifting to mage sight, Danica noted with surprise that her wards were strong for a witch. She wore half a dozen bracelets on each arm, all emanating raw power. Also, her sword was enchanted.

  "The possibility of you hurting me is the least of my concerns," Natasha said victoriously. "Dame Alexandra, kill them."

  "Wrong," Danica said. "Now we know how to get out of here." She gave Dame Alexandra a calculating look. "You tie the Duchess up tight, Cat. I'll take care of the Vikon witch."

  Danica positioned herself between Natasha and the Vikon. The witch's outrageous armor and face paint said she was a Vikon, but her olive complexion said Islander or desert folk. The Duchess had called her "Dame" Alexandra, which meant she was an Amazon knight. Then Danica presented her blade with an air of confidence.

  Alexandra's eyes narrowed as she approached. Her confidence never wavered. Danica vowed to teach her a little humility. When she closed on her, Danica took the initiative and thrust for the witch's unprotected belly. Her blade was swept aside easily enough, so she tried to decapitate her. The Vikon ducked and uttered a Word of Power as she pointed two fingers at her. Danica barely twisted out of the path of a small fireball.

  Wild-eyed, Danica glanced back as the fireball struck the wall and dissipated. The memory of a similar fireball striking her in the belly less than two weeks back forced its way into her thoughts.

  "Sleazy witch!"

  Alexandra spoke the same Word of Power again and threw another fireball at Danica, who dived behind a sofa to escape it. Pulling a throwing dagger out of her boot top, Danica raised up and threw it at the Vikon. It was batted aside with her sword as she said another Word of Power and wiggled her first and third finger at Danica. Immediately, the sofa slammed back against the stone wall, crushing the breath from Danica. Then small inanimate objects began flying at her as she knelt gasping. She was brutally battered as vases, lamps, and chairs crashed into her from all sides. To escape the onslaught she tried crawling away. The Vikon took that opportunity to race up and kick her in the temple.